Thursday, December 20, 2007

Eng: Finishing "Crackling Day"

Today we reviewed MLA citation format and finished our discussion of the short story "Crackling Day."

History: Dec. 20

Student teams continued working on the map, timeline and info. pages which are all due on Friday.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eng: A Trip to South Africa

Today we read a short story called "Crackling Day" and started on some questions.

History: Dec. 19

We continued to work on the Imperialism project. Map, timeline and info. page all due on Friday.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

History: Dec. 18

I reviewed the 5 motives of Imperialism with the class and collected that assignment along with the Africa GDP map.

Then student groups began part I of the imperialism project. This week students are creating a timeline, a map, and filling out an informational page about a region that was a victim of Imperialism. All three elements will be due on Friday.

After Christmas break students will complete part II of the project by creating a presentation of some sort to teach the class about how Imperialism manifested itself in the region they chose.

Monday, December 17, 2007

History: Dec. 13, 14 and 17

Th. Dec. 13: Students worked on analyzing the 5 motives of Imperialism as well as a map that showed the GDP  per capita of African Nations. 
Fr. Dec. 14: We went to Carson Park. 
Mon. Dec. 17: Same activities as 12/13. 

Eng: PC Part 2

Today we continued the in-class essays we began Friday.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Eng: Persuasive Posters, Cont.

Today we continued our persuasive posters. They should be nearly complete by now. Tomorrow students will work on an in class persuasive essay with Mr. Lee.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Eng: Persuasion Cont.

Today we finished looking at the persuasive articles on cell phones in school and I collected the assignment. Tomorrow we will begin a short persuasive project.

Monday, December 10, 2007

History: Dec. 7 and Dec. 10

Students continued working on the I.R. newspaper "front page." Completed assignments were printed on Monday. There will be no more class time for this assignment.  "Front pages" and all other materials from the I.R. unit are now due. 

Friday, December 7, 2007

Eng: Persuasion Continued

Today we continued to look at the persuasive article assigned yesterday. Everyone should have their This I Believe essay in by now.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Eng: Persuasive Strategies

Today we started our look at persuasive writing with some notes on strategies of persuasion. Students also finished up This I Believe essays which are due now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

History Dec. 5

For the first half of class we went to assembly about Youth Relay for Life. During the 2nd half of class students finished AND TURNED IN the itinerary for the fictional week-long trip to England, Wales and Scotland.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

History: Dec. 3 and 4

Monday: Healthy Focus group. Discussed pre-judging people.
Tuesday: Worked on fictional 7 day trip to Great Britain.